Uno de los concursos organizados por la web oficial de Robbie terminó el día de hoy y ya hay una ganadora. Este concurso consistía en escribir un comentario en el facebook de Robbie sobre que te pareció Take The Crown y el ganador se llevaría el cartel escrito por Robbie. La afortunada ganadora fue Aida Alba Torres, quien escribió su crítica sobre Take The Crown utilizando todas las canciones del disco, sin duda alguna una idea muy original. Acá les dejamos el comentario y ¡felicitaciones a Aida!
I would definitely say that TAKE THE CROWN is NOT LIKE THE OTHERS… Even if we try to REVERSE it and listen to this cd backwards, all you can think about is “HEY WOW YEAH YEAH”
All his lyrics became our GOSPEL, and they’re so powerful that can go INTO THE SILENCE and get straight to our souls. ALL THAT I WANT is everyone to notice that this masterpiece from Robbie is not like all the SHIT ON THE RADIO, is something more, is something DIFFERENT… So please, don’t be LOSERS, go and get this magnific album because otherwise, bad taste in music will be HUNTING FOR YOU.
You can BE A BOY and get this CANDY for your ears, you won’t regret it! And if you do, Robbie Williams himself will be saying a big “thank you” to you, and EIGHT LETTERS… three words, one meaning… 😉